Terminological Nomination in English and Ukrainian Dental Terminology





The present article deals with the study of structural peculiarities of dental terms in English and Ukrainian. The emergence of new scientific notions raises the requirements for implementation of the nominative function of natural languages. Contemporary dental terminological system is an example of rapid development of a special language. Within the past years, due to the introduction of new technologies and methods of treating patients, the English and Ukrainian dental terminologies have become replenished with new terms. A lot of them have penetrated into the international glossary of dental terminological system, but, due to their specific structural characteristics, in the majority of cases they remain intelligible to the dentists throughout the globe. The relevance of our research is determined by insufficient study of dental terminological system, which, being in constant development, undergoes structural and semantic transformations in order to adapt to the demands of the contemporary world. The comparative approach to the study of term formation is an extremely important aspect of our study. The objective of our investigation is to conduct a comparative analysis of structural means of terminological nomination in English and Ukrainian dental terminological system. The material for the research is represented by the selection of terminological units extracted from contemporary English and Ukrainian dental dictionaries. In our research we focus on morphological and syntactic ways of terminological nomination in modern English and Ukrainian dental terminology. The article is aimed at the study of the types of affixation in the terminology of dentistry of two languages. The investigation of the syntactic method of term formation is carried out by analyzing terminological word-combinations in the studied languages. The obtained results are compared in order to establish dominant tendencies in dental terminology.

Keywords: term, terminological system, morphological way of term formation, syntactic way of term formation, dentistry, affixation, terminological word combination.


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